
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


What You Need to Know About Miami New Year’s Eve Drunk Driving Crashes

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it doesn’t stay that way for long when drunk drivers hit the streets of South Florida over the end-of-year holidays. An although it’s been said many times, many ways, “Stay Sober, or Get Pulled Over.” Miami drunk driving injury attorneys know…


Orlando Car Accident Lawsuit Alleges Tesla Misrepresented Autopilot Feature

An Orlando car accident lawsuit alleges vehicle manufacturer Tesla has mislead consumers into believing the autopilot feature of these vehicles is more capable – and safer – than it truly is. Florida car accident attorneys know that while claims against car makers isn’t a new phenomenon, this case could foreshadow…


Insurers Bemoan Florida Crash Injury Lawsuits, But Often Don’t Play Fair

Anyone involved in a West Palm Beach car accident should become familiar with the acronym, “PIP,” which under Florida’s no-fault auto insurance law refers to “personal injury protection” benefits, as outlined in F.S. 627.736. As our car accident lawyers in West Palm Beach can explain, it basically works like this:…


Family Sues School For Coach-Fueled Fatal Drunk Driving Crash

The family of a girl killed in a drunk driving crash fueled by alcohol given to her and her boyfriend by a 22-year-old high school basketball coach sought to sue the school district for liability in the case.  However, the Washington Supreme Court held that the school district could be…


Failure to Name All Defendants Can Put the Brakes on Your Crash Injury Lawsuit

Suing the at-fault driver responsible for your South Florida car accident injuries is really just the first of what could be several legal options. The other driver might be liable for negligent operation of that vehicle, but the vehicle’s owner might be vicariously liable. So too might the driver’s employer,…


Auto Insurer Liability Capped in Crash Case Duty to Defend Breach

Auto insurers in Florida have two duties with regard to their insureds: A responsibility to indemnify, or pay damages for which insured would otherwise be liable (up to policy limits); Duty to defend insured from legal action (i.e., hire a lawyer and help mount a defense). Even if an insurer…


Defective Guardrails Reportedly Linked to Deadly Crashes

A grieving father whose daughter was killed in a highway motor vehicle accident in Tennessee involving an allegedly defective guardrail purchased a television advertisement at a local West Palm Beach affiliate airing the Super Bowl in President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort community. The father did so in the hopes the…


Rear End Collision Creates Rebuttable Presumption, Not Immune From Challenge

Courts in Florida have established a legal concept known as “rebuttable presumption” when it comes to rear-end collisions. The rebuttable presumption is that if a vehicle strikes another from behind, the rear vehicle was presumptively negligent, though that can be rebutted. There are some specific exemptions to the rule, and…


Personal Breathalyzers Proven to Reduce Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving is a major threat to Florida motorists, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention reporting nearly 8,500 people were killed in Florida drunk driving accidents between 2003 and 2012. The rate of people who self-report driving after having too much to drink in Florida is 2.1…


Drowsy Driving is a Killer on Florida Roads

In the midst of the bustle of the holidays, it’s not uncommon for drivers to sacrifice sleep to get where they’re going. While there is a great deal of (deserved) focus on distracted driving and drunk driving during the holidays, drowsy driving is another – often overlooked – catalyst for…

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