
Family Blames Four Loko for Florida Wrongful Death of College Student

The family of Florida State University sophomore Jason Keiran is suing the maker of Four Loko for his wrongful death. Joe and Vicki Keiran say that their 20-year-old son killed himself last September after drinking three cans of the alcoholic energy drink. Jason had picked up a roommate’s gun and used it to shoot himself in the head.

The Keirans contend that their son wasn’t suicidal or depressed but that his blood alcohol was over three times the legal limit when the tragic shooting occurred. In addition to Four Loko manufacturer Phusion Projects, the couple is also suing the stores where their son bought the drink.

Following Jason’s Florida wrongful death, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sent warning letters to the makers of several alcoholic energy drinks. Phusion Projects has also since announced that it will remove taurine, caffeine, and gaurana from its Four Loko beverage. Experts have equated the caffeine and alcohol mix in the drink to a cup of Starbucks coffee and five beers combined.

Jason’s death isn’t the only one being blamed on Four Loko. Family and friends say that 21-year-old Courtney Spurry died earlier this month when she crashed her pickup after drinking two cans of Four Loko. One friend says that she passed out within 30 minutes of drinking the alcoholic beverage.

St. Joseph’s University, another US college, says that a “handful” of students had to go to the hospital after drinking Four Loko. According to the New York Daily News, college campuses have banned Four Loko. The drink cannot be sold Utah, Michigan, and Washington State and oher states are expected to follow.

Products Liability
If you or someone you love was injured by a defective or dangerous consumer-made good, you may have grounds for a Florida products liability case against the manufacturer, distributor, and/or seller.

Jason Keiran Dead: Parents Say Their Son Accidentally Shot Himself After Drinking Four Loko, Huffington Post, November 17, 2010
Four Loko caused death of 21-year-old Maryland woman, victim’s friends tell local television station, New York Daily News, November 12, 2010

Related Web Resources:
Phusion Projects

Food and Drug Administration

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