Articles Tagged with South Florida injury lawsuit

The phrase “pain and suffering” is familiar to many people even outside the legal sphere, but it’s not as well understood. It does not mean anyone is entitled to money just because they were hurt. It also not a catch-all for every loss. As it pertains to Florida injury lawsuits, pain and suffering is a broad term, but technically speaking covers the general, non-economic damages associated with the physical and emotional distress of an injury caused by someone else’s negligence.pain and suffering in Florida injury lawsuits

Although it’s something of an abstract concept, a person who claims pain and suffering can receive cold, hard cash for the carelessness or wrongdoing that led to injury. Legally, it can be tough to establish because it’s not just the pain of a physical injury, but the mental and emotional anguish that accompanies it. Having a South Florida injury lawyer who can help accurately assess your pain and suffering damages and convey those to decision-makers can be pivotal in ensuring you receive fair compensation. Continue reading

Florida personal injury laws are designed to compensate those who are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. These extend to individuals involved in car accidents, slip-and-fall incidents and injury due to use of dangerous products. South Florida injury claims

Claims for damages (financial compensation) can be pursued either by filing a lawsuit or negotiating a settlement. As our South Florida injury lawyers can explain, most claims are resolved via settlement, as these tend to conclude faster, be less costly and outcomes are more certain than in litigation.

Civil injury attorneys will usually work to negotiate a settlement with defendant insurers before going the route of a lawsuit. While each case is different, it’s usually only if those settlement negotiations break down (when an insurer tries to settle a claim for less than it’s worth) that your attorney will recommend a lawsuit. Continue reading

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